Hier finden Sie grundlegende Angaben zu klinischen Studien des Comprehensice Cancer Centers Mainfranken (CCC MF)
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- Rekrutierung läuftA multicenteR open-label phase II triAl to evaluate NivoluMab and Ipilimumab fOr 2nd line therapy in elderly patieNts with advanced esophageal squamous cell cAncer (RAMONA)
- Rekrutierung läuftReal World Evalauation of efficacy and safety with Avelumab+Axitinib in patients with advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma (RCC) in multiple EU countriesMolekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftNIS zu Nivolumab plus Chemotherapy in der Erstlinienbehandlung von Erwachsenen Patienten mit HER2 neg fortgeschrittenen oder metastasierten Adenocarcinom des Magens, gastroösophagialen Übergang oder Ösophagus, deren Tumoren PD L1 exprimieren (CA209-8EC)Molekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuft
An open label Phase II randomized trial of BNT113 in combination with pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab monotherapy as a first line therapy in patients with unresectable recurrent, or metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) which is positive for human papilloma virus 16 (HPV16+) and expresses PD-L1 (AHEAD-MERIT)
IndikationenMolekulare Marker - Rekrutierung läuftMaster Screening Study to Determine Biomarker Status and Potential Trial Eligibility for Patients With Malignant Tumors (BZKF-Studie)
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase III, Randomized, Open-Label, Multi-Center, Global Study of Volrustomig (MEDI5752) as Sequential Therapy Versus Observation in Participants with Unresected Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Who Have Not Progressed Following Definitive Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy (eVOLVE-HNSCC)D798EC00001IndikationenMolekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftAn Open-label, Multicenter, Phase 3 Randomized, Active-Comparator-Controlled Clinical Study of Pembrolizumab (MK-3475) in Combination With Sacituzumab Govitecan Versus MK-3475 Monotherapy as First-line Treatment in Participants With PD L1 TPS Greater than or Equal to 50% Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (KEYNOTED46/EVOKE-03)Molekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase 3 Study of Pembrolizumab in Combination with Pemetrexed/Platinum (Carboplatin or Cisplatin) Followed by Pembrolizumab and Maintenance Olaparib vs Maintenance Pemetrexed in the First-Line Treatment of Participants with Metastatic Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung CancerMolekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftModified FOLFOX plus/minus Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in patients with previously untreated advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction - The randomized phase 2 MOONLIGHT trial.
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Randomised, Multicentre, International Study of Durvalumab Plus Oleclumab and Durvalumab Plus Monalizumab in Patients With Locally Advanced (Stage III), Unresectable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Who Have Not Progressed Following Definitive, Platinum-Based Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy (PACIFIC-9)Molekulare Marker