Hier finden Sie grundlegende Angaben zu klinischen Studien des Comprehensice Cancer Centers Mainfranken (CCC MF)
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A Phase III, Randomised, Open-label, Multicentre, Global Study of Datopotamab Deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in Combination With Durvalumab and Carboplatin Versus Pembrolizumab in Combination With Platinum-based Chemotherapy for the First‑line Treatment of Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic NSCLC Without Actionable Genomic Alterations (D926NC00001; AVANZAR)
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase I-III, Multicenter Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Multiple Therapies in Cohorts of Patients Selected According to Biomarker Status, With Locally Advanced, Unresectable, Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Rekrutierung läuftRandomized, Open-label, Multicenter, Phase 3 Trial of Repotrectinib Versus Crizotinib in Participants with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI)-Naive ROS1 positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) (TRIDENT-3)Molekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftReal world European registry of NTRK fusions and other rare actionable fusions.Indikationen
- Bösartige Gynäkologische Tumoren (Gebärmutter, Eileiter etc.)
- Eierstockkrebs (Ovarialkarzinom)
- Urogenitale Tumoren (Niere, ableitende Harnwege, Hoden)
- Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege (Nierenbecken, Ureter, Harnblase, Harnröhre)
- Kopf/Hals Tumoren
- Kopf-Hals-Malignome
- Bösartige Tumoren der Nebenniere
- Hirntumore (ZNS Tumore)
- Astrozytäre Gliome (Astrozytom, Glioblastom)
- Meningeom
- Akustikusneurinom (Vestibularis-Schwannom)
- Weitere Hirntumoren
- Hauttumoren
- Malignes Melanom
- Sarkome
- Knochensarkome (Ewing-Sarkom, Osteosarkom etc.)
- Weichteilsarkome (Liposarkom, Leiomyosarkom, etc.)