Hier finden Sie grundlegende Angaben zu klinischen Studien des Comprehensice Cancer Centers Mainfranken (CCC MF)
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- Rekrutierung läuftInternational cooperative study for children and adolescents with standard risk ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) estimating the efficacy of vinblastineMolekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftFirst Line Ipilimumab+Nivolumab Combined with two cycles of Chemotherapy in NSCLC [FINN]
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase I-III, Multicenter Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Multiple Therapies in Cohorts of Patients Selected According to Biomarker Status, With Locally Advanced, Unresectable, Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Rekrutierung läuftAn open-Label, multi-Center, Phase IV, roll-over study in patients with ALK positive malignancies who have completed a prior Novartis-sponsored ceritinib (LDK378) study and are judged by the investigator to benefit from continued Treatment with ceritinibMolekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuft
Continuous ReAssessment with Flexible ExTension in Rare Malignancies – CRAFT: The NCT PMO-1602 Phase II Trial
Indikationen- Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom)
- Bösartige Gynäkologische Tumoren (Gebärmutter, Eileiter etc.)
- Eierstockkrebs (Ovarialkarzinom)
- Bösartige Erkrankungen des unteren Verdauungstraktes (Darm, Leber/Gallenblase, Pankreas)
- Karzinome des Dünn- und Dickdarms (Kolon, Rektum, Anus)
- Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs (Pankreaskarzinom)
- Schilddrüsenkarzinom
- Bösartige Tumoren der Nebenniere
- Hirntumore (ZNS Tumore)
- Astrozytäre Gliome (Astrozytom, Glioblastom)
- Meningeom
- Akustikusneurinom (Vestibularis-Schwannom)
- Weitere Hirntumoren
- Hauttumoren
- Malignes Melanom
- Sarkome
- Weichteilsarkome (Liposarkom, Leiomyosarkom, etc.)
- Lymphome inkl. Morbus Hodgkin, Multiples Myelom und Chronisch Lymphatischer Leukämie (CLL)
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphome (inkl. Chron. Lymphat. Leukämie, CLL)
Molekulare Marker- AKT (AKT family of proteins)
- AKT1
- AKT2
- AKT3
- RAF (rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma)
- BRAF V600
- BRAF V600E/K
- MAP (Kinase-Signalwege)
- MAP2K1
- MAP2K2
- MEK (MEK-Inhibitoren)
- PD-1 (Programmed cell death protein 1)
- PD-L1
- PI3K (Phosphoinosit-3-Kinase)
- PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin homolog)
- TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden)
- Rekrutierung läuftInterventional Platform study investigating the impact of digital health solutions on health outcomes and health care resource utilization in participants receiving systemic treatment in clinical practice (ORIGAMA)Molekulare Marker
- Rekrutierung läuftA Phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Randomised, Multicentre, International Study of Durvalumab Plus Oleclumab and Durvalumab Plus Monalizumab in Patients With Locally Advanced (Stage III), Unresectable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Who Have Not Progressed Following Definitive, Platinum-Based Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy (PACIFIC-9)
- Rekrutierung läuftReal world European registry of NTRK fusions and other rare actionable fusions.Indikationen
- Bösartige Gynäkologische Tumoren (Gebärmutter, Eileiter etc.)
- Eierstockkrebs (Ovarialkarzinom)
- Urogenitale Tumoren (Niere, ableitende Harnwege, Hoden)
- Tumoren der ableitenden Harnwege (Nierenbecken, Ureter, Harnblase, Harnröhre)
- Kopf/Hals Tumoren
- Kopf-Hals-Malignome
- Bösartige Tumoren der Nebenniere
- Hirntumore (ZNS Tumore)
- Astrozytäre Gliome (Astrozytom, Glioblastom)
- Meningeom
- Akustikusneurinom (Vestibularis-Schwannom)
- Weitere Hirntumoren
- Hauttumoren
- Malignes Melanom
- Sarkome
- Knochensarkome (Ewing-Sarkom, Osteosarkom etc.)
- Weichteilsarkome (Liposarkom, Leiomyosarkom, etc.)